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Covid 19/Coronavirus Updates


Refer here for regular updates, links, and up to date information about Covid19 infections and our practice


Treatment of Covid Infections

We thankfully now have several different treatments for Covid, including Paxlovid and Molnupiravir.  These reduce the amount of Covid virus in an infected person, reduce the risk of severe illness, and reduce the risk for developing "long Covid syndrome."  We would need to schedule a virtual visit to review the details of your infection, and determine which is best for you.  Please do call the office to schedule a visit if you test positive.  


Covid Vaccines: 

We strongly feel that we can all be best protected against Covid infections by receiving the Covid vaccines and boosters. The vaccine will not prevent all illness, but clearly does prevent serious illness, hospitalization, and death. 


Our practice: 

  • We are still doing regular office visits and tele-visits.  We appreciate your patience and flexibility in letting us care for you in person and remotely.  

  • We are seeing routine visits such as physicals, blood pressure and diabetes visits, etc.  Visits for acute illness and infections will be determined on a case by case basis. 



What will be different: ​

  • All patients, staff, and providers will wear a mask. An N95 or comparable mask is best.  

  • We ask that our patients with acute respiratory illness starts with a tele health, video visit.  We are doing our best to ensure that we are minimizing the possibility of our patients (and our staff) being exposed to infections (such as Covid, Influenza, RSV, etc.).  


What will be the same:

  • High quality, personalized, comprehensive care by a compassionate team devoted to your health.  


Practice Newsletter: ​


Other Important Links


View the following videos to see how our office has adapted to the pandemic (from 2020): 









staff with masks photo PNG May 2020.jpg
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